
Some client stories and testimonials. I can't wait to add your story here too soon!


“What I really valued about 'Cork It! The Mindful Drinking Journey' was Gill’s practical, bite-sized videos with new ideas to explore each day, and the questions I could reflect on further through journalling. I was curious about whether I could do this in December, and I am proud that with the support of this programme, I successfully took a much more mindful approach and committed to drinking much less. I highly recommend this for anybody who wants to think about reducing or stopping drinking, not just for the short term but as a way of life.”


“I took Gills 'Cork It!' challenge last year full of uncertainty, trepidation and intrigue. I attended the initial webinar with my husband with the hope of looking at our drinking together, reducing our alcohol intake and understanding how we had got to a place of normalising alcohol in our daily lives!

Fast forward one year and my husband wasn’t ready to commit to the programme, whereas I felt I had nothing to lose and gave it my 100% commitment and haven’t had a drink for nearly a year!

This Christmas, I will be showing up to my family and friends, as the Carol who is now the “me I never knew existed”! A sober, authentic, women who makes choices and decisions that are not fuelled by alcohol or dependent on the availability of alcohol, and basically an alcohol-free version of me compared to 12 months ago!

What are you waiting for? Sign up and zoom into the “you, you’ve yet to meet”.


“After having a very close relationship with alcohol
throughout my life, I made the conscious decision to quit drinking, and become sober. I had previously tried most methods available to quit the booze, visits to my G.P. where medication was prescribed, numerous sessions with councillors and some very expensive visits to a clinic located in Harley Street. Unfortunately, none of these worked for
me, I was labelled as an alcoholic by most of the
professionals that I visited, and this did absolutely nothing for my self-confidence.

Starting with Gill’s “Cork It!” Mindful Drinking Journey last December got me motivated in a different way and I began to understand why I was in such turmoil with drinking. I became sober on day 1 and after the initial month was over, I joined her support group, The Grey Area Drinking Space. Since meeting Gill, my life has totally changed, I found the support and motivation that I finally needed to break the
bond with the dreaded Alcohol, my marriage is going through the best period that I can remember, my relationship with my children has improved to an unbelievable level and I am starting to live again.

I strongly encourage anyone who wants to go down the path of sobriety to join the “Cork It!” experience in the first instance. Gill does an incredible job and most importantly will give you all the tools needed to quit the booze! I am not an ALCOHOLIC; I just made a mistake by befriending ALCOHOL."


“Gill holds a safe non-judgmental space in her coaching which has helped me to explore and make both big changes and small tweaks in my life. Her forensic knowledge of how the brain works and its resulting impact on my behaviour had been a big part of me shedding old drinking habits and moving to a more positive place. I feel much more equipped to deal with life’s challenges without the alcohol.”  


“I love Gill’s style of coaching and she is certainly an expert in her field of sobriety. Our coaching sessions seemed to fly by, and the insights and ideas have been really beneficial. I never thought I would say that I don’t want to drink again, but I genuinely don’t. I now have a sober toolkit for life and am so grateful I worked with her. I'd recommend working with Gill in any way you can - she really is an amazing and lovely lady.” 


“Gill has such a fantastic, genuine, supportive way of connecting with clients. Never losing focus or motivation for a second her passion for coaching and her knowledge is immense. The sessions were enlightening and astonishing, enabling me to see clearly what I needed to be doing more or less of to get different results and finally ditch the booze. I never felt judged or criticised – in fact I learned not to judge or criticise myself so I could truly move on. Such an inspirational coach.”


“Gill is the ultimate professional with the ability to naturally flex to different styles, which makes her an excellent coach across all levels and coaching challenges.  This really helped me to shift my beliefs around alcohol as she met me where I was and helped me to build the confidence that I had the power to remove it from my life if I chose. Which I did!”


“Gill's insight and experience, warm yet challenging way of working developed great awareness and personal insight. The deeper understanding I have gained has resulted in me having much more confidence, knowing where and when to draw on my strengths both personally and professionally. This has impacted on me being more self-aware of my communication style, taking decisions and positive steps forward. I am proud that I have become bolder and am enjoying pushing myself out of my comfort zone more and more. I would highly recommend working with Gill as a coach.” 


 “I cannot recommend this amazing woman more highly. Gill is exceptionally smart, insightful and talented. Her knowledge of neuroscience and its applications is second to none. Her new programme for drinkers who wish to quit and live a sober and completely fulfilled life is absolutely awesome. If you’re sitting on the fence and wondering whether to engage Gill, do it today! It’s a decision your future self will thank you for forever.


“I was thinking I’d like to have a break from alcohol and to change my relationship with alcohol. I am what I now know is called a “grey area drinker” and I came across Gill’s programme, and it felt just right for me. I had an initial chat with Gill and we connected straight away. Gill’s programme is designed to give a structured approach to giving up the drink over a 12 week period. Each week there is a one-to-one session following a theme together with well researched evidenced based videos, resources and exercises. I found it super helpful and it enabled me to have a break from alcohol for 3 months. Gill is hugely knowledgeable and insightful. She is very compassionate, encouraging and will challenge and she helped me to reframe situations in order for me to plan and rethink my approach. It has left feeling much more aware of how I use alcohol and how I can choose to have more healthy alternatives. “


5 Ways To Manage The Cravings of Alcohol

Plus a Guided  Meditation on ‘Urge Surfing’

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Accredited Sobriety Coach